Monday, December 30, 2019

4 Tips to Create a Video Resume

4 Tips to Create a Video Resume4 Tips to Create a Video ResumeTelecommuting jobs rely on technology like instant messaging, screen sharing, and video conferencing to keep teams communicating well. If youre looking for a telecommuting job, one of the ways to show employers that youre ready to handle all modes of virtual communication is by creating a video resume.To be sure, there are ways to make very good video resumes, and very bad video resumes. Eugene Lim has experience with both, and in a recent article, Secrets to a Stellar Video Resume, she outlines her lessons learned through trial, error, and research.Says Lim, When I was a college freshman, I made a video resume that I thought was creative. In hindsight, it was awful. There are many things I could say about it (I mean, I was wearing pigtails), but the worst part was that I robbed the employer of five minutes of his workday with aimless rambling. I didnt communicate anything that platzset me apart, which defeated the purpose of making a video in the first place.Were glad shes gone through the trial and error process so that we dont have to Here are Lims tips for why and how to create an excellent video resume.1. Show employers a different side of you.A video resume is leid a replacement of your paper resume or a dramatic reading of it. Dont waste a recruiters time by duplicating content. Instead, show something different. For instance, since actions speak louder than words, show yourself working on your latest achievement. Walk them through a past project with screenshot visuals, or show quick snapshots of you volunteering in a job-related field.2. Tailor your video resume to your specific audience. Employers are ultimately concerned with whether youd be a good fit for the role they need to fill. Just as you would tailor your paper resume for different kinds of industries or roles, make sure your video resume aligns with the employer and the specific job. Cultural alignment is important, too. As a refe rence point, if they have a recruiting video, try to match the tone they set.3. Dont beat around the bush pitch yourself.Focus on a handful of key takeaways, and say just enough to convince the employer to pursue you further because they like what they see. Be sure to have a strong closing statement. Summarize your takeaways succinctly and make a compelling argument for why the employer should talk to you further.4. Know when to use a video resume, and when NOT to.When should you NOT use a video resume?If youre not qualified for the job, not even a video resume will change thatIf youre not comfortable on camera,If the job youre applying for isnt a people-centric roleIf it doesnt add to your applicationAnd to make sure were using the latest technology to talk to you about the latest technology, heres a great video that details how to create a video resume, from Vault.comSaveSave

Wednesday, December 25, 2019

To Be Successful, Burn Your Boats

To Be Successful, Burn Your Boats To Be Successful, Burn Your Boats Article by Naphtali HoffIf you want to take the island, you need to burn the boats. - Tony RobbinsNearly five years ago, I welches facing an important decision - a career crossroads that, depending on its outcome, would greatly impact my professional future. I had spent the past 15 years in education as a teacher, principal, and adjunct professor. I was leaving a school principal post at the end of the school year and debating whether to seek another similar post or to transition into coaching and consulting. I left both doors open for a while before committing firmly to the latter. I hung up a shingle and got to work.The first year was tough. Compounding the fact that I was trying to build credibility, brand myself, and make meaningful connections in a new field, I was also dealing with a family relocation across the country. As you can imagine, my phone wasnt exactly ringing off the wall during the first few mo nths. But even then, when I didnt know how I was going to pay my bills, I had no regrets. I was committed to my new direction and had burned my boats. There was no looking back.The concept of burning boatsis often traced back to an apocryphal story associated with the conquest of the Aztec Empire byHernn Corts. In 1519, Corts led a large expedition to Mexico. The goal capture a magnificent treasure said to be held there.Upon arrival, Corts destroyed his ships. This sent a clear katechese to his men There was no turning back. They would either win, or they would perish.Within two years,Cortsand hismen had conquered the Aztec Empire.(Sometrace the concept even further back in history, to the times of Julius Caesar or even the Ancient Greeks. Regardless, themessage stands.)At its essence, burning boats represents a point of no return, a psychological commitment to crossing a line you can never turn back from. There is no hedging, no looking over your shoulder. Everything now - all tho ughts and efforts - must be focused on succeeding in this new reality.Whetheryou are facing a true crossroads or simply want to achieve great things in your careeror personal life, youmust approach your decision with a level of commitment that will drive you definitively forward. If you lead others, you must find a way to gain their commitment to ensure you all work together toward a common goal.Burning boats is a useful concept for business decisions as well, especially at times of great market and/or organizational change. Kodak, for example, had to burnitsboats to reinvent its business modelwhen it made the transition from selling film products to offering digital services, too. Darwin E. Smith, CEO of Kimberly-Clark, made a strategic decision to sell his companys paper mills and invest the money in brands like Kleenex and Huggies. At the time,Smithwas mercilessly ridiculed by the media. However, the strategy turned out to be a brilliant maneuver, as Kimberly-Clark subsequently outperformed Procter Gamble and gained full control of Scott Paper.Too often, we see examples of would-be entrepreneurs holding on to their jobs while trying to set up new businesses. Thissuggests a lack of faith inones own business model.Other entrepreneurs operatemultiple businessesunder the belief that if one business fails, the others will save them. These choices might make sense from the perspective of holding on to a life preserver, but they minimize the likelihood of success.The saatkorn holds true in personal relationships We fear rejection, so we float around, nevertaking the risks necessary to find and sustain deep, fulfilling relationships.There are times in our lives when we need to make decisions - even when the correct path is unclear. We can only gather as many facts as we can, measure the risks, and use our best judgments and the insights of others to guide us forward. Once we make a decision, we have to be willing to stick with it. We cannot allow fear and second -guessing to derail us. Instead of focusing on the what-ifs, concentrate on the task at hand and the steps needed to be successful.Safety nets and escape routes can protect us from pain and injury, but they also tend to reduce the effort, focus, and commitment we invest in a process. Once you have made a choice, you have to be willing to burn the boats behind you.Trust your inner voice. Pursue your dreams. Never look back.A version of this article originally appeared

Friday, December 20, 2019

5 Tips to Learn Why You Didnt Get the Job

5 Tips to Learn Why You Didnt Get the Job5 Tips to Learn Why You Didnt Get the Job1You did everything right. Your application was impeccable, your interview answers were spot-on, and your follow-up was fantastic. So why didnt you get the job?Even if your professional ego is a bit bruised from elend getting hired, you should still try to find out why you were passed over for the lage. After all, there could be some clues into your interviewing style, or sohonigweinhing that your resume lacks that could be preventing you from getting hired. Take these five tips to learn why you didnt get the job and make the necessary improvements so that you have hiring managers fighting over you1. Do a self-assessment.Theres a good chance that, somewhere deep down, you know that something was amiss. Maybe you didnt have some of the soft skills that you were going to need to work remotely. Or maybe you initially fumbled an important interview question- even though you thought of quick comeback. Take s ome time to go over the interview from the perspective of your would-be employer to see what mistakes you might have made, whether it was showing up a few minutes late for the interview or not sending a very necessary (and very timely) follow-up document they requested.2. Pick the right person.From a recruiter to a manager to some potential colleagues, you might have met with and/or interviewed with several people during the hiring process. So when it comes time to find out why you didnt get the job, you might have several people to pick from. Ideally, you want to meet with the key person who would have been responsible for hiring you, such as your potential boss or the hiring manager. A recruiter might not have the necessary information to tell you what went wrong.Reach out by phone, if possible, to see if they can tell you why you werent hired. (Heads up many employers are reticent to reveal why potential candidates werent hired for fear of a potential lawsuit or just to avoid an awkward situation altogether.) In your communication, though, be positive and begin by thanking the person for the opportunity to interview. Then, ask if there are areas for improvement that you can utilize in future interviews. This can offer some key insight into what went wrong, so you know how to make it right for the future.3. Talk to your network.If the person you interviewed with cant (or mora likely, wont) give you a reason why you didnt get hired for the job, try connecting with your network for answers. Maybe you know a mutual connection between you and the manager at the company who might have a little inside intel about the job and why you didnt get it. It might not even be about you- the job itself might have changed, or they could have possibly postponed hiring anyone for the role.4. Do a mock interview.A mock interview with a trusted friend, mentor, or other professional you trust is a great way to discover if there are any flaws in your interviewing game. But take it seriously- make sure that you dress as if you were actually going to be interviewed and answer the questions posed to you (even the strange interview questions) as if you were interviewing with a real hiring manager. Being in a more relaxed environment might help you to better see how you can improve your skills so that you ace your next interview.5. Confide in a mentor.A trusted mentor can be another avenue towards determining why you might not have gotten hired for the job. Since they know your professional strengths (and possible weaknesses), consulting with your mentor about the job interviewing process might shed some light into what went wrong. Go over all aspects of the process, since as the saying goes, the devil is in the details. One small slip-up might have been all it took to take the position away from you. And since a mentor has your best career interests at heart, they can also give you good advice on how to learn from your mistakes- and move on in a positive and pro fessional way.Find a job that fits your lifestyle Browse Open Flexible Jobs

Sunday, December 15, 2019

Wearing Your Battery on Your Sleeve

Wearing Your Battery on Your Sleeve Wearing Your Battery on Your Sleeve Wearing Your Battery on Your SleeveA recently developed printed, rechargeable battery certainly isnt the same type that pink bunny from television relies on. This wearable battery stretches and flexes like rubber.Nanoengineers at the University of California, San Diego, developed the battery, which, they claim, is the first of its kind due to its stretchiness. The zinc batteries have a myriad of uses, powering everything from wearable sensors to solar cells and wearable electronics, says Joseph Wang, chair of the nanoengineering department at the university.This is a significant step toward self-powered stretchable electronics, he says.Materials that can be worn and that incorporate batteries can monitor medical conditions, power electronics, track sports performance, or be used in ways not yet thought of.In the medical field, patients with chronic conditions such as diabetes or chronic obstructive pulmonary dise ase could don a wearable monitoring device to alert them to a change in their health that needs medical attention, for example. Or, for the hiking enthusiast, the electronics could power backpacks in the outdoors and assist with outdoor navigation by being linked to a GPS system.Stretchable batteries printed on fabric are powering a green lumineszenzdiode light seen in this picture. Image UC San DiegoBut questions remain. How, for example, can the batteries that power wearables be stretched, flexed, washed, and worn and still work without breaking down?The answer, says Wang, is the hyper-elastic polymer material made from isopreneone of the main ingredients in rubberand polystyrene, a resin-like component. The substance, known as SIS, allows the rechargeable batteries his team developed to stretch to twice their size, in any direction, without being damaged.The researchers added bismuth oxide to the batteries zinc electrodes to make them rechargeable, he adds. The ink used to print the batteries is made of zinc silver oxide mixed with SIS.The batteries can be printed directly on fabric or on materials that allow wearables to adhere to the skin. They also can be printed as a strip to power a device that needs more energy. The batteries can be worn for long periods, Wang says.His teams prototype battery only has about one-fifth the capacity of a rechargeable hearing aid battery, but its only one-tenth as thick, is cheaper and made of commercially available materials. Two of the rechargeable batteries could power a three-volt light-emitting diode (LED), Wang says.The researchers used standard screen-printing techniques to make the batteries, a method, they say, that drives down costs. Wang says typical materials for one battery cost about 50 cents while a comparable, commercially available rechargeable battery costs around $5.And the types of batteries that the technique can be used to print need not stop at zinc-based batteries, he adds.We expect this technology to pave the way to enhance other forms of energy storage and printable, stretchable electronics for lithium-ion batteries, as well as supercapacitors and photovoltaic cells, Wang saysNow, the researchers are working to improve the batteries performance. They want to expand the use of the technology to applications such as solar and fuel cells and to power many types of electronic devices, Wang says.Jean Thilmany is an independent writer. For Further Discussion We expect this technology to pave the way to enhance other forms of energy storage and printable, stretchable electronics.Prof. Joseph Wang, University of California, San Diego

Wednesday, December 11, 2019

5 Common Resume Mistakes That Could Cost You the Job

5 Common Resume Mistakes That Could Cost You the Job5 Common Resume Mistakes That Could Cost You the Job5 Common Resume Mistakes That Could Cost You the JobDont let your resume betray you. Avoid these common and costly blunders. TWEETIf youve finished your resume and youre ready to send it out, wait. There are a few common resume pitfalls that could mean the difference between being tossed and being recognized. Other than basic typos, the following are the fruchtwein common mistakes made on a resume. Does your resume include any of these?1. Assumed SkillsExcellent verbal and written communication skills.Ethical standards and confidentiality.Able to collaborate professionally.Resourceful decision making.Prioritizing and multitasking.Self-starter.Ability to learn and adapt quickly to changing environments.If your resume contains any of these phrases, consider changing them to something more specific that describes your background. Hirers assume that you can communicate, that you can co llaborate with others, and that youre capable of managing your own time and working on more than one task. These are basic office and work skills that will be ignored on a resume. They do elend support your candidacy.2.Microsoft Office SuiteYou can omit the basic Microsoft products like Suite, Word, Excel, and PowerPoint from your resume. Hirers assume you know and regularly use these programs. Just as you can assume you will have a computer at your desk, your employer will assume you can use one. If you use specific tools such as Visual Basic, Access, or OneNote you could add those because they are used for more specific tasks and projects.3.Passive VoiceIn your job descriptions, avoid passive verbs. Action verbs make you look more, well, active. For examplePassive Was a producer on ABC TV show.Active Produced ABC TV show.Passive Assisted with office duties.Active Filed documents, returned phone calls, responded to customers, and entered customer data into computer system.See the d ifference? When you indicate more specifically how you did something, better verbs come out.4.ObjectiveMany job candidates think they should talk about their life or compliment themselves in the paragraph at the top of a resume. Companies are not interested in what you think of yourself, and adjectives like successful or highly qualified are subjective. What your previous or current company considers successful or highly qualified may be different for your future company. Your future boss is solely interested in how you will benefit the company. So, make the top paragraph a summary of your proven qualifications and accomplishments that make you the best candidate.5.Overused wordsAccording to LinkedIn, these were the 10 most overused words in profiles in 2014MotivatedCreativePassionateDrivenExtensive ExperienceOrganizationalStrategicTrack RecordResponsibleProblem-SolvingPassionate, driven, and responsible should not be on a resume. They are too general and could describe anyone. But some of these words are important and applicable, they just need context. Extensive experience is fine but why not pump it up and say how much experience? 10 years? More than 20? Strategic is actually a great word to use on a resume, and it will have more impact if you use it to describe something specific you accomplished Implemented strategic marketing plans targeting specific demographics.The goal of creating a resume is to get you past applicant tracking systems (ATS) and recruiter eyes to an interview. Companies program their tracking systems to look for specific keywords in the context of your resume. Avoid these five mistakes and your resume is more likely to stand out from the many others.

Friday, December 6, 2019

The History of How to Do Resume Refuted

The History of How to Do Resume Refuted How to Do Resume Features What you exclude is at least as crucial as what you include. Youre volunteering to stay in that position. Your resume can continue to be riveting. A good resume is difficult to come by. Type of How to Do Resume While the functional resume format may be an attractive alternative for job seekers with minimal experience, most employers would rather have a chronological or hybrid resume format. As soon as you have written and organized your information according to the sort of resume youve chosen, make certain to format it according to typical professional standards. Whatever resume format you choose to use, be positive your format remains consistent throughout the document. Theres no right format for a resume, though theres a standard. Learning how to do a resume when dont have any work experience is much simpler if it is possible to demonstrate some seasonal or short-term work experience. Based on your degr ee of experience and the jobs youre applying for, what you decide to concentrate on in your resume summary can fluctuate. Your job (while youre attempting to find a job) is to make certain to fit what theyre searching for. Taking the opportunity to work on your resume is essential. Youve got a little window of time to have the interest of a hiring manager so brevity and focus is important. If you would like to catch the interest of the hiring manager, you must give them what they want. Detecting a job in the modern economy can be hard. You will be a dream candidate any hiring manager is going to want to check out and snatch up very quickly. Different job postings will have different keywords and phrases, different job duties listed, etc. Thus a lengthy collection of your job duties wont set you apart. Many work in the public service or academia will take a comprehensive CV to be submitted as a member of a work application. 1 advantage for employers to netz resumes is the sub stantial cost saving in comparison to traditional hiring methods. The Good, the Bad and How to Do Resume The incorrect hire can send things spinning, while the best one can totally transform their organization. All you would like to do is receive an opportunity to talk with a person over the telephone or sit with someone to spell out your situation and the way youve changed since youve been released. Make a list of absolutely whatever youve done that may be useful on a resume. Asking a friend to assess your resume is also advisable. Including your GPA on your resume, whether its your cumulative GPA or your key GPA, is dependent on several elements. In addition to mentioning your proficiency, you will also need to showcase your previous performance. From your employment previously, attempt to consider data that you may present which showcases a positive work accomplishment. If you have to consist of employment history that dates back further than 15 years due to your accompli shments or on account of the businesss reputation, it is strongly recommended that you leave off your dates of employment.Whether youre looking for your very first job or attempting to earn a career change, the approach starts with your resume. If youre an expert paraphraser, it is going to take under 10 minutes to find the task done depending on the length of time the original source is and your skills as a rewriter. The rewriting procedure is relatively easy so long as you get a very good grasp of grammar and vocabulary since you have to use them both to make a new statement without altering the principal idea of the original source. The paraphrasing procedure wont be easy at first especially once you dont need to modify anything in your paper but is vital especially if youre aiming for an excellent story. Theres a great chance you may be switching career paths. However tempting it may be to stretch the truth, lying on your resume is always a poor idea. The choice you make is dependent upon your very own individual needs. The very first thing you ought to do when youre searching for a job is learn how to do a resume.

Sunday, December 1, 2019

Google Em - Spark Hire

Google Em - Spark HireSometimes the simplest way to weed through job seekers isnt with reading a long-winded resume and cover letter, but by just going to Google. Job seekers have carefully crafted a vision for themselves that they want you to see. Google is the key to unlock the door behind that potential candidate and see a less carefully crafted version. Looking to Google is a successful tool in the hiring process.First, Google may act as a truth serum. You may be able to cross-reference a candidate with their listed activities and previous jobs. Its not a perfect algorithm, but Google can help you identify if job seekers are telling the truth in their resumes and cover letters. Beware though, if you cant find a job seeker at a formerly listed position it may not be because he/she wasnt there. The internet isnt perfect after all.schauplatz up a Google alert on job seekers may also help alert you to any changes on status. This may be something newsworthy, or a change in employment status. If a candidate chooses another position it may help you avoid wasted time calling him or her or reading his/her resume and cover letter.Not everything you find on Google may be bad. It may be you find something a job seeker missed, orcouldntfind space for in his/her resume, that shows he/she might be the perfect personality fit for your workplace environment. These could include extracurriculars, accolades, etc which could identify a good (or possibly bad) fit.Google can be your best friend for vetting job seekers. It helps you do a little extra dirty work to ensure you make the right hire for your company. Utilizing Google for your candidate vetting process will help identify the best job seekers without wasting time.Do you already use Google in your candidate searches? Or do you have another candidate vetting tip for our readers? Wed love for you to share them below.IMAGE Courtesy of Flickr byYodel Anecdotal

Tuesday, November 26, 2019

Biomedical Equipment Technician Careers in the Military

Biomedical Equipment Technician Careers in the MilitaryBiomedical Equipment Technician Careers in the MilitarySo you want one of those high-pay, high-tech jobs, and you want the military to give you a head start. But how do you choose a field when tech is so ubiquitous in todays job market? You could play it safe and go for information technology, but what if you want to carve out a more specific niche from the get-go? One option is to specialize in biomedical equipment repair, which Payscale.coms Ask Dr. Salary reports was one of the top technology jobs for veterans in 2012 with projected growth of 27% through 2018. True, the military does train many of its medical professionals to operate in austere environments, where conditions arent so friendly to high-tech equipment and low-tech skills can be your best friend. But they dont dare shun the diagnostic and treatment advantages afforded by the latest technology. Thats why the Army, Navy, and Air Force all train their own Biomedical Equipment Technicians (BMETs) to keep everything from lab equipment to diagnostic imaging tools running in tip-top condition. Education Now that the military has standardized and consolidated all medical training, students from the three service branches attend BMET school together at the Medical Education and Training Campus (METC) amotherboard Fort Sam Houston, San Antonio, Texas. (As of 2012, you can ignore any information out there claiming the course is given at Sheppard Air Force Base or other locations.) The Biomedical Equipment Technician course lasts 41 weeks, beginning with basic electronics and troubleshooting before moving on to cover each of a wide variety of medical equipment categories, including surgical, dental, diagnostic imaging, and information technology equipment. There is also a segment built into the curriculum for each branch to conduct training specific to soldiers, sailors, or airmen. The ultimate goal is to produce technicians who can not only troubl eshoot, adjust, and calibrate biomedical equipment, but perform repairs down to the component and circuit board level because as the Air Forces website aptly observes, when youre in the middle of nowhere, you cant send out for parts, especially when lives are on the line. After initial training, working military BMETs can (and definitely should) enroll in additional certification programs to bolster their performance and credentials. The Army and Navy Credentialing Opportunities Online sites, and the Air Force Credentialing and Education Research Tool, all recommend possibilities such as Certified Biomedical Equipment Technician, Certified Technicians in Biomedical Electronics and Biomedical Imaging, and Certified Specialists in Radiology or Laboratory Equipment. BMETs can also get an edge using tuition assistance and the GI Bill to complete a college-level education like the Community College of the Air Forces Biomedical Equipment Technology degree program. Military Requiremen ts As an enlisted specialty in any branch, entering the BMET field generally requires at least a high school diploma. Normal color vision is a must given the circuit board work. In addition The Army requires a composite Electronics score of 107 on the Armed Services Vocational Aptitude Battery (ASVAB.) They also expect credit for 1-year high school Algebra or score of 45 or higher on GED Test 5, according to their welcome letter to students at the BMET course.Using their own version of ASVAB scores, the Air Force sets the bar at 70 for Electronics and 60 for Mechanical. (See the difference between Air Force and Army scoring systems here.)The Navy requires prior enlistment as a Hospital Corpsman and a rank of at least E-4 to enroll in BMET training (more on that below.) The Different Service Branches toJoin While it seems like a matter of personal taste, there are practical considerations when choosing between Army, Navy, or Air Force BMET careers. The Army and Air Force both h ave an entry-level Military Occupational Specialty or Air Force Specialty Code for Biomedical Equipment Technicians. As long as the recruiter can find you a slot, this guarantees a fast track to paid training and a career where youll develop a solid resume focused exclusively on medical equipment repair. The Navy, on the other hand, treats BMET as a secondary specialization under the broad purview of Hospital Corpsmen (HM). This means the BMET field isnt entry-level for sailors youd have to enlist as a Corpsman first but there are advantages. BMET is just one of many specializations possible for HMs, so theres more flexibility available over the course of your career, and you could build a wider range of marketable skills. Biomedical engineering blogger Joaquin Mayoral, Ph.D. points out that Navy BMETs are probably the best prepared . . . because they have an insight into the medical professionals needs which no current A.S. or B.S. BMET curriculum can or will ever match. The down side? Theres no stipulierung on a Navy enlistment contract guaranteeing the specialization. Even after you get promoted to E-4 and apply for BMET school, youre not guaranteed a seat. So if you want to join the Navy and study biomedical equipment repair, its best to have an interest in the medical field as a whole with healthy doses of patience and flexibility.

Thursday, November 21, 2019

New Insider Guide to Student Fed Careers Released as Report Predicts Wave of Skyrocketing Fed Retirement

New Insider Guide to Student Fed Careers Released as Report Predicts Wave of Skyrocketing Fed RetirementNew Insider Guide to Student Fed Careers Released as Report Predicts Wave of Skyrocketing Fed RetirementNew Insider Guide to Student Fed Careers Released as Report Predicts Wave of Skyrocketing Fed RetirementBaltimore, MD (PRWEB), March 4, 2014A stunning Government Accountability Office report, released January 29th, predicts that more than a third of career fed-workers will be eligible to retire by 2017. Their retirement could produce mission critical skills gaps if left unaddressed, the GAO concluded.These findings shows that the government will need to hire young people and new grads to move toward the future, observes leading fed jobs expert Kathryn Troutman. Her revised and updated 3rd edition of The Students Federal Career Guide has just been released. This guide is a must-have if you want to be among the chosen ones who are hired by the feds, she says. Troutman co-wrote the book with Paul Binkley, EdD, former Director of Career Services at George Washington Universitys Trachtenberg School of Public Policy and Public Administration.The guidebook offers crucial info about the feds new Pathways Programs for internships and initial federal employment. In addition, it features eight examples of outstanding federal resumes that enabled real-life college students and recent grads to land positions with Uncle Sam.Pathways streamlined the process students and new grads use for applying for their first federal positions and made them more accessible through the USAJOBs website, Troutman explains. And there will be other USAJOBS openings that recent grads, including veteran grads, will want to apply for. But in todays highly competitive environment, you need to be armed with special writing techniques to make a hiring manager want to pull your resume from the growing pile.Troutman says the way to make a strong first impression is to supply more of the important d etails in your resume. And there is room in federal resumes as they typically run four pages. She recommends highlighting the most impressive projects, presentations and papers from your college years, along with relevant courses and academic honors.You want to show the skills you developed in college, Troutman says. What roles did you play? For instance, though school projects, an engineering student will have worked on a team, performed tests, done design work and given presentations. If someone can do a great job with a project at school, then they can do a great job with a project at work.This guide is a must-have if you want to be among the chosen oneswho are hired by the feds. Kathryn Troutman,President, The Resume distribution policyFor the first time, Troutman decided to include private industry resumes after each of the eight sample federal resumes in her student guidebook. This makes it easier to understand the striking differences between these two types of resumes, she n otes.All sample resumes are in an easys include Ann Crane, a candidate with one year toward a PhD, who went from a $16.50 an hour job to a GS-11/12 position as a Health Insurance Specialist. Using Troutmans writing techniques and adding more technical skills to her resume, Crane was hired with the first fed job application she ever submitted. Philip W. Sang, a recent grad, landed a Mechanical Engineering position with the US Army Corps of Engineers after adding more details about college projects and an internship to his resume. Jason Jackson, a college student, was selected for a Navy internship. The book includes three resumes for him, to show how a resume can be slanted towards specific interests or positions sought. Jeremy Denton, a veteran from the Marines who recently graduated with a BA in Government and Public Policy, was hired as an GS-9/12 Intelligence Analyst for the Department of Homeland Security.For their military service, veterans get valuable education benefits. The guidebook provides background on these benefits and offers job-hunting tips for vet students and vet new grads in a section just for them. When vets apply for fed jobs, they often get extra points added to their application score. They also get extra time to apply to Pathways as a recent grad. Regular students get 2 years, vets get 6 years.Other helpful features in The Students Federal Career Guide, 3rd Edition include The 11 College Majors that Are Hottest Now and Their Equivalent Federal Job TitlesAn Updated College Major and Equivalent OPM Occupational Series ChartInstructions on How to Read the Federal Vacancy Announcements Scientific and Professional Positions Where Veterans Preference Does Not ApplyBackground on the Federal Student Loan Repayment ProgramApplication Options for Those with DisabilitiesThe 178-page Students Federal Career Guide, 3rd Edition is available through in paperback ($11.96) and PDF ($9.95) and from in paper ($11.96) an d Kindle ($9.99). Organizations, such as colleges or military bases, can license the book for $1500.This book gives you the tools to clearly show decision-makers that you have what they need, say co-author Binkley.About Kathryn Troutman The Resume PlaceKathryn Troutman, nicknamed the Federal Jobs Guru, has over 30 years of experience in the federal marketplace. In addition to publishing, her company, The Resume Place, also offers federal resume writing and federal job-search coaching services. Troutman is a popular federal resume writing trainer at government agencies and military bases worldwide.

The best books to read during your snowy winter vacation

The best books to read during your snowy winter vacationThe best books to read during your snowy winter vacationIf youre like us, you want your vacation read to match the vibe of your trip. So a snowy, winter adventure should get an on-themebook. These are some of our favorites for a cozy read.In the Midst of Winter A Novel by Isabel AllendeNovelist Isabel Allende creates a vivid historical fiction landscape for her three characters. Its platzdeckchen in Brooklyn, with flashbacks to Guatemala and Chile. And, of course, theres a touching love story at the center of it all.Let It Snow Three Holiday Romances byJohn Green, Lauren Myracle and Maureen JohnsonTeen lit lovers, youll adore this collaboration from three fantastic young adult authors. It weaves together three romances over the holidays. Expect holiday cheer and lots of cheese but in the absolute best way.Unbound A Story of Snow and Self-Discoveryby Steph JaggerThis charming memoir tells the tale of Steph Jaggers determination to ski 4 million vertical feet in a single year. From New Zealand to Canada, she overcomes fears, doubters and unpredictable weather patterns to keep hitting the slopes.Unbound A Story of Snow and Self-Discoveryby Steph JaggerInto Thin Air A Personal Account of the Mt. Everest Disaster by Jon KrakauerDont read this book if youre about to climb a mountain. The author climbed Mount Everest on a fateful, tragic trip where eight people were killed by a storm and even more were left stranded on the peak. But the book is a masterpiece - even if it might convince you that Everest is a nearly insurmountable feat.This article was originally published on Swirled.